BSOD, PVS, XenServer and Pooled Desktop


I was investigating as to why I had a VM that was not registering with the DDC during a morning check. When I checked the XenCenter console I observed this message:


After some investigation I found I was not the only one having this issue:

Based on the advice given in the forum I found that in  DHCP the IP was being assigned but eventually the BSOD was happening.


I could not locate another VM with the same IP. So to correct issue I:

  • Deleted the above IP assigned in DHCP
  • I then created a reservation for the VM by doing a standard reservation in DHCP:




  • Once I did this I restarted the VM and the Desktop resumed normal operation.
  • As well based on the user forum I also changed the DHCP scope to an Unlimited lease time.

